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Ethos & Values

We strive to be a happy and successful school, and we actively promote positive choices and having a can-do attitude.

We actively promote the fundamental British Values of

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

Achievement in a Caring Environment

Our school motto is Achievement in a Caring Environment.  Everyone in our school community makes a positive contribution and that is why we believe we are an inclusive school. 

We have a Student Support Team to offer help and advice to students who are feeling vulnerable or need help with issues such as self-esteem or anger-management.  Our Special Educational Needs and English as an Additional Language teams are hugely skilled and experienced in helping those youngsters to flourish.

We are a school that listens, and we believe that people feel valued if they have a voice and can make a difference.  Our students are encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers.  When they have something to say, it is generally worth listening to.

We are a community with students from many backgrounds, but there is one common factor which brings them together: they are all Limehurst Academy students, and we want the very best for all of them.  Here everyone is valued equally.

However, inclusion is not just about the students.  We want parents and carers to feel that they are part of Limehurst.  We are committed to effective and regular communication with parents through a variety of means.  We also have a Community Liaison Officer who work to strengthen links with parents.

We are fortunate to have an extremely supportive group of governors who work closely with the school, but they also ask challenging questions to ensure that the school maintains its outstanding qualities.