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At Limehurst, our intent is to provide students with a curriculum which they enjoy studying and which helps them to become confident, able learners who are well prepared to be good citizens, and for the next stage of their education.

Our ambitious curriculum introduces students to the best that has been thought and said and immerses them in an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. Subject planning is driven by best practice and expertise, and is focused on allowing students to make continual progress in the demonstration of skills and acquisition of knowledge.

Limehurst’s curriculum provides challenge and aspiration for all of our students. Teachers’ planning allows students to understand key concepts, by presenting information clearly, checking understanding and adapting resources and activities to respond to the needs of individual learners.

All students have the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects and qualifications, including the opportunity to continue to study practical and arts based subjects beyond Key Stage Three and an entitlement to study all of the English Baccalaureate subjects at Key Stage Four..

Our most up-to-date Key Stage Four options information can be viewed here.

Students’ physical well-being, health, teamwork and leadership is developed through our Sports College status and, as well as their curriculum PE lessons, students are encouraged to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular sports and activities. Students are also encouraged to join our musical and drama groups, and to continue or begin to learn a musical instrument.

We have a well-developed pastoral and academic transition programme, helping students to make an effective move from Key Stage Two to Key Stage Three. There is a clearly devised Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance programme in years 7 to 11, providing students with information and experiences connected to the world of work and guiding students through option choices at the end of year 9 and for the next stage of their education beyond year 11.

Students’ spiritual, moral and ethical development is taught through the curriculum in a number of subjects, including personal development, citizenship and religious education. It is also addressed in assemblies, trips and visits and through the academy’s mission statement – Achievement in a Caring Environment.

Please look at the subject information in this section of the website for an overview of the learning journey students make in each curriculum area.

If you would like further information about any aspect of Limehurst’s curriculum, please use the contact form.