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Attendance and punctuality remain two of the biggest challenges facing all schools, and we are no exception.  All research clearly shows that a small drop in student attendance does affect progress.  Every time a child is absent they are losing vital learning, and it does not take more than a couple of absences each half-term for your child’s absence to be a problem.  Every percentage drop away from 100% attendance moves your child away from their expected GCSE grades.  

Punctuality, too, is vitally important.  If students are late in the morning or late to lessons their progress will be affected.  

We are committed to rewarding excellent attendance and rely on parental support to ensure that Limehurst students are here every day on time.  

To help, we have a team of dedicated Heads of Year, Form Tutors and an Attendance team all prepared to offer support if there is a problem.  

Please see the below for all of our key documents relating to attendance and punctuality: