Year Eight Topic One: Fiery Planet
This topic explores the structure of the Earth and the causes of tectonic disasters, including earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. Once these key concepts are understood, students will learn about the impacts and strategies used to reduce of these, through the study and comparison of specific examples from around the world.
Knowledge acquired:
- Knowledge of the Earth’s structure.
- Knowledge of the locations that are most vulnerable to tectonic hazards.
- Understand how tectonic hazards occur and how they can be prepared for.
Skills developed:
- Ability to use maps and graphs to identify patterns of where tectonic disasters occur.
- Apply knowledge and understanding to interpret, analyse data and impacts of disasters.
Links to previous study (where applicable):
- Students study earthquakes and volcanoes in Key Stage 2
Links to future study / the wider world (where applicable):
- Links to Natural Hazards in Year 10
Number of lessons: 14
Sequence of lessons:
- Earth’s structure
- Location of tectonic disasters
- Plate boundaries
- Volcano features
- Volcano hazards
- Icelandic eruption
- Eruption in the Congo
- Comparing volcanoes
- Why live near a volcano
- Earthquake features
- New Zealand and Nepal earthquake
- Preparing for earthquakes
- Tsunami
Main resources:
- Geog.3 textbook
- Teacher prepared PowerPoints
- Worksheets
Method of assessment:
- Skills assessment at the end of the unit
- Peer marking after activities
Use of assessments:
- Recall activities used to inform on-going teaching and learning.
- End of topic test: used to identify areas of strength and weakness in terms of knowledge and skills. Areas of weakness addressed throughout the remainder of the course.